by Cash Michaels

Recently my friend and colleague, Tom Campbell, wrote an excellent op-ed about how the culture wars have slowly but surely changed North Carolina.

And not for the better.

But there’s one sure way to know which direction the Old North State is headed, and that will take place next year during the 2024 races for governor and president.

Forget the candidates for a second. Besides, we won’t have an official read on them until after the primaries next year anyway.

I think it’s wise to envision what kind of government the majority of us could vote for in November 2024. That’s what will define North Carolina in the coming years.

If you yearn for a state where the only issues that matter are the ones that you perceive threaten your particular way of life, with no concern about how others are treated, or are even able to survive, then that pretty much tells the rest of us what kind of government you want. 

You’re not interested in compromising with “the enemy,” or those who believe differently. You’re only interested fighting them, and defeating them, so that the America and North Carolina you once knew (or thought you knew) can return in all of its glory.

You want your government to hide details of its most important activities from the press and public in order to protect the private interests of the wealthy and powerful.

You want to be able to punish the press for reporting on issues you’d prefer the public have no knowledge of.

You want to change laws that only get in the way of your political party’s quest for power.

And it’s quite obvious that Almighty GOD wants a return to the way you believe things were. Like-minded men and women are being elected to office all over the state and nation, and their job is to keep their party in power.

And doing whatever it takes to make it happen…even cheat!

And we must continue a campaign of attracting to our tent others who share our vision, thus robbing the “enemy” of potential allies with which they can assault our glorious dream with.

But we must also minimize the use of individual rights so that such things as civil rights and individual liberties can no longer get in the way of dictatorial policy.

We must take control of the court infrastructure so that only the right people, not necessarily people well versed in the law, are in place to protect the changes that we are planning to make.

We must be willing to do whatever is required to ensure that our vision, and our values are what’s left standing after what could eventually be a bloody conflict for the soul of this state, and nation.

All of the above is the mantra of the conservative MAGA culture warrior, and if you find yourself agreeing with any of it, or most of it, then you apparently want North Carolina to become home to this nonsense.

And that means you’ll be voting that way a year from now.

That also means the candidates you vote for will be expected in all ways to lead North Carolina in this direction.

The question is, will the rest of us allow it? What are we willing to do to stop it?

That is the fundamental question of the 2024 gubernatorial, and yes, presidential elections.

Who North Carolinians ultimately vote for, and vote against, will decide who we really are.



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