by Cash Michaels

If a recent spat of news stories and op-ed pieces are any indication, Joe Biden is in trouble with the Black vote for the 2024 election. Apparently Black folks in my community are not happy with the Democratic president’s tenure in office, and they’re not too pleased with Vice President Kamila Harris either.

We’ve got plenty of time here to review whether or not such musings hold any political water before next November, but one thing I have noted with great interest is the number of black men, in particular, who have begun showing up on television or appearing in news stories not only boasting how they are not supporting Biden or the Democrats, but that they’re actually supportive of either the Republican Party, or, egads should I say it, …Donald Trump.

Now before I go any further, let me wrap this missive in some important context.

I wholeheartedly believe in the two-party system, and agree that African-Americans should be a vital part of it. Hell, if Democrats and Republicans want the Black vote, let them compete for it. That’s the way it was in the good old days when both parties vied for different constituencies.

But this isn’t the “good old days” politically anymore, is it? And it hasn’t been for some time.

Today, politics is amped up, mindless and vicious. Oh yes, there’s a school of thought that suggests it’s always been like this in some form or fashion, but I hasten to point out that the vigor and aggressive energy being currently poured into attacking our election system, is something that threatens the very foundation of our democracy like never before.

The other day I was watching playback video of  “Unfiltered” hosted by Black political pundit Roland Martin, formerly of CNN. When it comes to Black issues, Roland eats controversy for breakfast.

On one show I watched, Martin was mercilessly debating Mark Fisher, touted as being founder of Black Lives Matter in Rhode Island. Fisher is notable because he went on Fox News recently and bragged about how he was supporting Donald Trump for president because Trump “…has done more for Black people than Democrats. “

And Trump later publicly thanked Fisher for his endorsement.

Better to have stepped in front of a speeding train than to have gone on Roland Martin’s program unprepared, though. Martin knows his stuff, and when Fisher tried to justify his support of Trump to him, the young Black Rhode Islander barely escaped with his rhetorical life.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t agree with Mr. Fisher’s dubious premise that Trump has been good to the Black community, but as the legendary Mr. T. once said, “I pity the fool” for not being able to competently defend his position with meaningful facts and policies when challenged.

He has a right to defend his support of Trump, or else keep his ignorant behind off of a television

Otherwise, the obvious becomes crystal clear - there is no defense for supporting the MAGA Man, no matter how free you are to do it, if you don’t have the goods to do it with.

The same lesson was learned by another young Black man who came on another episode of Roland Martin’s show named Will Pierce.

Pierce holds the dubious distinction of writing an op-ed for former Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson’s website bellowing about why he’s now joined the Republican Party after once fundraising for Joe Biden and supporting Bernie Sanders. To Pierce, if I understood him properly, the Democratic Party no longer represents working class men and women, and has become elitist.

Poor guy wished he played in traffic after Roland Martin and two other panelists got through making mincemeat out of his reasons for supporting Republicans.

Again, I’m not saying African-Americans have no business supporting Trump and the Republicans, because in this country, citizens are free to support whomever and whatever they so choose.

But it bothers me when someone defiantly supports a political person or position, but then can’t defend themselves past an open door for doing so.

Those of us who honestly pay close attention to the rhetoric coming from all sides of the political spectrum are vividly aware of which political party, though not perfect, tries to advocate for the interests of average citizens when it comes to affordable health care, making a decent living wage, meaningful police reform and getting a good education. 

And if someone challenged me to defend my choice of political party, based on those issues, I think I could fairly do so given that the other major political party prides itself on not so much as lifting a finger to do anything to move our nation forward on those issues.

Be rest assured, if challenged, I could ably make up my mouth, because my mind would know what the hell I was talking about!



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