MAKE UP YOUR MOUTH! by Cash Michaels If a recent spat of news stories and op-ed pieces are any indication, Joe Biden is in trouble with the Black vote for the 2024 election. Apparently Black folks in my community are not happy with the Democratic president’s tenure in office, and they’re not too pleased with Vice President Kamila Harris either. We’ve got plenty of time here to review whether or not such musings hold any political water before next November, but one thing I have noted with great interest is the number of black men, in particular, who have begun showing up on television or appearing in news stories not only boasting how they are not supporting Biden or the Democrats, but that they’re actually supportive of either the Republican Party, or, egads should I say it, …Donald Trump. Now before I go any further, let me wrap this missive in some important context. I wholeheartedly believe in the two-party system, and agree that African-Americans sh...